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COMPLEMENTARY, a participatory installation by Stephanie Dinkins.
If you were to speak directly to the most powerful person in the world, what would you want them to know about you and your community? How do you want to make an impact on American systems? In the 20th century, America has been the most powerful nation on the world stage, encouraging the idea that the American president is somehow the president of the world. With perpetual news broadcasts, the world is inundated with data with only the most exciting, outlandish, and exceedingly violent information receiving the spotlight. Sources of information too easily become an open spigot where people deposit their thoughts, often with little room for determining impact. In COMPLEMENTARY, Dinkins creates an installation to interrogate how we can transform these streams into conversations and provide an alternative platform for our community to contribute to an open source 24-hour news cycle comprised of our collective voices—both cacophonous and amicable at once—to reverberate from the bottom up and broadcast the people’s most common needs, hopes and desires. Visitors are invited to respond to the prompt and step up to the podium surrounded by complementary colored flags to add their voice to the broadcast. |